Bye Ma!
Monday, September 12, 2011
First day of School
Here is my little guy heading out to preschool. (No he did not walk there alone!) But he was ready to head out without me!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Construction Birthday Printables
For the big birthday I created some printables. These little details just help personalize the party a little more. I find it easier just to make what I want then try to find what I am looking for. I used the internet, and Microsoft programs to create the following.
I printed these cards (there are various cards) on card stock and cut them out to display in various placed.
These invitations I picked up from Microsoft Word Templates. I modified them to be postcard side and created a second page to print on the back with addresses.
Coloring Pages
I printed these cards (there are various cards) on card stock and cut them out to display in various placed.
I printed these on sticker paper then cut them out and stuck them on the hats.
Construction Birthday Party Decorations
Ah, the big day has come and gone! It could not have been smoother or more fun! The kids had a great time playing which allowed the parents to enjoy a little conversation. It was a success!
Now here are the details!
I ordered just about everything from Oriental Trading Company! They are the best! This banner came from them. I originally got it for a row of pictures, one from each month of his second year, but it was so big I could cut it up and use it in numerous places. I did cut each triangle apart because the space between them was too wide. I just used a glue gun to stick them back together. It really was not a big deal. I believe it came with a 100 feet, which was way too much but allowed for some added decorations around the house inside and out.
This banner is the reason I bought it in the first place. I put a picture of Jacob from each month- 13 through 24. I did this last year and really loved seeing how much he changed so I wanted to include it again this year. He has changed so much in the last 4 months it is unbelievable! I made a sign like a construction sign that said, "Jake's Second Year." I will link to this on my printables post. I used the website to write each month on the picture. This is a dummied down photoshop and I love it. It is free or you can upgrade for about $25 bucks a year!
Here are a few other places I included the banner. The last picture is the party favor table I placed the tool belts in a tool box for display. I made a printable for the banner that said, "Thank you for helping us celebrate." The truck is just an added decoration.
Another party favor were these hats. I bought them through Oriental Trading and just added the sticker (Printable page) with each child's name and a few foam stickers, again through Oriental Trading. The kids could grab the hats during the party but I saved the tool belts for when they left. These children were young and I knew that pieces would be lost or mixed up as the party progressed if I handed it out at the beginning of the party. Plus it helped the little ones say goodbye without tears.
Horrible picture, but here is a wreath I made. I will use this as a prop in a photo shoot for his birthday pictures as well.
Here are foam stickers of road signs I bought at Oriental Trading Company. I received a HUGE bag of them and just used them as decorations all over. I took one and stuck it to a string then put the matching sign on the opposite side and hung the string from the chandelier.
This is the food table. I did not serve a meal just finger foods. In the corner you can see a bucket with a sign reading, "Dirt Pudding." Here is a link to the recipe. Appropriate for the theme! :)
I printed two different coloring pages for the children. (printables) One was a picture of a dump truck and the other was a construction area. I placed them on this window seat with two buckets of crayons and some truck books. I did not know if anyone would read or color but it was an option. We did have a couple
color-ers and book readers. It was a nice way to defuse a sticky situation.
And the most important decoration... The DIG, DIG Table!
I had a train table that I placed in the center of the room with pea rocks in it. I then made some road signs to decorate it with and filled in the trucks, bowls, cups and shovels. By husband thought I was nuts and told me he would have no part of the clean-up if I went through with this! But after the party he was willing to admit it was a HIT! It would obviously be better suited for outside but here in Tennessee it is just too hot to have an outdoor party in August! At least for a 8 month pregnant lady, like myself!!
The last part of decorations is the cake! I was planning on making a cake but being 8 months pregnant and having a tiny kitchen in a HOT August I decided to buy one. This one could not have been a better choice. I picked it up at Publix.
The decorations always seem to help set the mood of a party. Although we rent and I DO NOT love the house or paint colors/wall paper, I try to make the most of it for the party.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Construction Party- Party Favors
For the party favors I knew exactly what I wanted to do! Jake loves dressing up and I knew the other children do too. So I wanted to include some dress-up items.
I went over to Home Depot and picked up these tool belts. They were $0.77 a piece. I embellished them a bit by adding the children's names and a few foam tools. The foam tools are beads that came from Oriental Trading Company. I love this store! I have used them for years, through my teaching career.I used the foam beads to make necklaces. I initially bought them to use as an activity during the party. But after receiving them I decided they were too small for the children to bead by themselves. I included the necklaces in the tool belt.
I included these plastic water squirters. I thought they were cute and fit perfectly with the theme. I placed one of the squirters in the tool belt.
The last thing I included was a small plastic dump truck. Inside the dump truck was a notepad, crayons and stickers.
I wrapped the tool belts up with the child's name showing. I plan on displaying them as part of the decorations until the end of the party. We will see if the kids let me do that! All of the items inside came from Oriental Trading and I also bought construction hard hats. I plan to put those out for the children during the party. I made sticker labels for those and will post pictures of those later. They will be the "party hats" so the kids will hopefully want to wear them! I am getting so excited!
Felt Cupcakes
I absolutely love all the felt food out there and wanted to try to make some as well! Then I came across this opportunity from Something Splendid.

For a small fee I received all the supplies, template and web video directions on how to make these delicious cupcakes! It was so fun and well worth the fee! I ended up making two sets for gifts. Here is the first set:
I made two sets so mine are slightly different because of my available supplies. I then took the cupcakes and placed them in a fun basket. With a handmade apron and pot holder.
I made the apron out of kitchen tea towels and used the same towels to make the pot holder.
I love these sweet cupcakes and think this gift it too cute for a toddler!
Thanks Something Splendid, I copied that!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Second Birthday- part 1
I cannot even begin to believe that Jacob is almost two years old! I am so proud of the little guy and love getting to know him and watching him grow everyday!
Preparations are well on their way for the birthday party! I went back and forth about even having one but decided that we would have a small party with his friends. The party theme is Dig, Dig (Construction). Jacob is obsessed with all things construction! He has actually been fascinated with construction since last October!! When planning the party I pulled out my Party Planning Template again and started brainstorming.

I just googled construction birthday parties and found a great supply of resources. There are so many creative people out there so, I Copied That! Here are the plans I made for Jake's party.
I have started getting the decorations ready and the party favors together as well. It is so fun and I just can't wait to see Jake's face when he sees the house decorated and his friends over all ready to "Dig, Dig!"
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